
Edna G. Sherman


The “custodial parent” is the parent with whom the child experiences the vast majority of their time and who typically has more parental responsibility than the other. Based on the specifics of their child custody agreement, the noncustodial parent may still hold numerous custody rights but is not regarded as the child’s main caregiver. So what occurs when a parent who is liable for raising a child dies? Does the non-custodial parent immediately obtain custody? Most of the people prefer, consulting with McKinney child custody lawyers to settle down the issues. It is good for them, but you need to know the whole process so that you can understand the instances very well and get the best solutions. To find out more, continue reading.

Custody is given to the biological parent

In most cases, when a custodial parent passes away, the kid is given custody to the biological parent who is still alive. The most frequent exception to this rule is when the remaining parent is found to be unable to act as the child’s guardian. Other custody agreements are typically negotiated in these situations; the kid may be placed in foster care in anticipation of adoption or another family member may be given custody.

Recognizing Paternity

Paternity must be proven if the father of the kid is the child’s biological parent. An acknowledgement of paternity (AOP) form is frequently required by judges for unmarried fathers in order to grant them legal paternity claims to a child. The father will frequently have to ask for a paternity test following the death of the custodial parent in situations where the father is not listed on the child’s birth certificate.

It’s crucial to remember that recognizing paternity doesn’t automatically grant parental rights, much alone the right to visitation. To start the process of obtaining custody of the kid, an unmarried father needs just take this initial step.

Being adopted by a stepparent

When the primary caretaker remarries and the child is adopted by their new husband, guardianship is frequently not granted full to the parent who raised the child. For instance, if a biological mother remarried before she passed away and her new husband accepted the child, the adoption by the stepparent would supersede the rights of the remaining spouse. This would encompass their entitlement to custody following the mother of the child’s death. This is a key justification for why noncustodial parents frequently need to consent before a stepparent can legally adopt their child.

The Deceased Parent’s Will

What if the parent who has primary custody of the child names their chosen guardian in their will? The remaining parent’s privileges are not immediately superseded if a parent has a legal will in place specifying who they believe should have custody of their child following their death. The court is not required to abide by this request. However, when choosing a guardian, they frequently take the preferences of the deceased parent into account.

The Children’s Wishes

The court may bring the child’s wishes into account when selecting their legal guardian in incidents involving older children. Every state has its own rules and regulations governing the minimum age at which a kid can influence a judge’s decision about custody, but a child’s preferences will never be the only concern. Whatever their own choice, a judge will always evaluate what is actually best for the child, regardless of whether it affects the choice.

Final Words

If you really want to be sure what happens when the parent dies, you can make a will. A will is a formal, legal document that lets you name who will be responsible for your child’s future when you’re gone. But there are other things that can be done and it depends on the situation.


There are a lot of difficulties when it comes to selecting the right attorney. Due to budgetary restrictions and a lack of understanding of the procedure, many people wonder whether or not they should engage an attorney. It has proven that people who file with the help of an attorney have a better chance of succeeding.

The necessity of having an immigration attorney help you through the procedure is to avoid having an incomplete or erroneous application. This can eventually lead to a delay in the application for asylum. The business collaborates with an attorney to obtain vitally and required evidence that will strengthen your case and boost your chances of a good outcome. The presence of an attorney during the interview is critical because it reduces the likelihood that your application will be refused and/or sent to an immigration court for removal proceedings.

  • Prepare comprehensive country reports to back up your asylum petition.
  • Using practice interviews spanning several hours, prepare the candidate to moderate their expectations.
  • Prepare the candidate for challenging probing questions in advance of the interview, giving them time to gather their thoughts and memories.
  • Assist the candidate in maximizing the interview’s average time. An asylum interview, for example, takes between 2 to 4 hours on average; the attorney will make sure that all of the important information is covered within that period.

When Can An Immigration Attorney Assist You?

If a person is facing removal proceedings before an immigration court, they will undoubtedly require the services of an immigration attorney. When an individual is not in removal proceedings, however, an immigration attorney is frequently required. Our firm sees a lot of situations where clients felt they were submitting a simple application and didn’t expect any issues, but after completing the first file on their own, USCIS issued a rejection or a request for evidence.


Time Is Of The Essence When It Comes To Immigration Issues.

Immigration law is, in general, exceedingly time-sensitive. You need to hire an attorney who understands the value of time and gives you the right results. There is less time for the completion of the process, and everything needs to be done quickly so that positive results can be achieved. Also, you have to be prepared for the rejections too and keep an ample amount of time in your hand to get the best outcomes.

A Better Understanding Of The Immigration Process

Every year, the bureaucratic process for acquiring a visa appears to become more difficult. By comprehending it and the relevant paperwork that must be filed, your immigration lawyer serves as an anchor point. You need someone with whom you can talk and obtain support while you’re drowning in technical jargon.

Delays Can Be Avoided And Prevented.

When people submit petitions, they usually do so by incorrectly or incompletely filling out forms. These delays can cause your case to be pushed back and your immigration status to be backtracked for years, as well as requiring you to start again from the beginning. Your asylum attorney will make certain that every documentation is done correctly.

Help With The Appeals Process

This is the major duty of the attorney that takes care of all your appeals and gives the right outcomes. If you hire a well-trained lawyer, he will help you out in bringing things in favour of your appeal. Do not think that you do not need a lawyer as he is the one who will be responsible for taking care of all the things from start to finish and generating the best for you.

Working And Protecting The Rights Of The Person

Your deportation attorney will take care that you get proper dignity and respect, as required by law. This is the duty of the lawyer to make sure that you are not ill-treated and are given proper respect.



When you have concerns about your immigration status, it is critical to get legal advice since the implications of a mistake can be devastating. Minor immigration infractions, immigration status violations, or criminal offences can have serious consequences for your ability to remain in the United States and to ever return the country, so it’s best to discover an issue before you is placed in removal proceedings. If you’ve been placed in removal proceedings, you’ll want to make sure you know all of your choices right away, especially if there’s a chance you’ll be able to request to have the case dismissed early.

If you have a social security case, you might think of hiring an attorney who deals in this field. However, you should be aware of the costs and benefits before hiring him. Moreover, the advantages of hiring these lawyers are unlimited because they work in your best interests. However, it is vital to know at which stage you should hire a social security disability attorney in phoenix to maximize your benefits and reduce stress. 

Hiring a disability lawyer

Many people ask why they need to hire a disability attorney, as they believe that they are able to fight the case on their own. If you hire him, your chances of getting the approval are increased many folds. Apart from this, the stats show that if the case is presented with the help of an attorney, the chances of getting the approval are more than those people, who file on their own. That’s why, it is suggested to hire an attorney right from the start.

One of the reasons why they have been approved is because these lawyers know how to present their clients in the most effective manner. That’s why, the approval for social security is faster than those who don’t hire an attorney. He can obtain the medical reports, speak with your doctor about the medical condition and draft a letter to the authority so that your approval is faster. This way, you will start getting the social security benefits in the best way.

When should you hire an attorney?

Most people get confused about when they should hire a social security disability lawyer. The answer is sooner the better. Before filing, you should get in touch with an attorney who offers a free consultation. This way, you will be able to find the best one. He can review the case properly and tell you how strong the case is and suggest to you how to draft the initial application. 

Getting approval is a big bonus that you get after hiring an attorney. That’s why it is suggested to hire him. If you do it on your own, you are likely to take more time. All you have to do is pay him a small amount and he will take away all your worries and stresses. To find the best one in the town, you should speak with a few of them and compare their skills, expertise and fees. 

There comes a time when you need to go through the legal process of dealing with a personal injury case. Such instances happen when you get physical and emotional injuries due to someone else’s carelessness and negligence. If you have some legal knowledge, you can deal with the incident yourself. Nonetheless, it is advisable to consider working with a personal injury law firm to ensure the case proceedings are as smooth as possible. Choosing such an organization can be tricky, considering their numbers have skyrocketed. However, you need to consider some factors to ensure you contract the best.

Check The Experience

A law company has attorneys working on different cases. If you want to increase the chances of having a fair judgment, you need to ensure that the attorneys in the firm you choose have adequate experience. Experience matters because such lawyers have been in the field for a long time, making them understand what should be done in different personal injury cases. You cannot compare working with experienced legal experts with hiring newbies in the industry. Their service levels will never match. You can expect to pay more when you hire an experienced personal injury lawyer, but you can be sure of getting top-notch services.

Consider The Firm’s Reputation

Working with a reputable law firm is not something you can take for granted. Yes, there are many such organizations out there, but not all of them have positive sentiments from the public. That is why it becomes critical to know the people you are dealing with to ensure you are in safe hands. Most people seeking the services of a personal injury lawyer have been victims of fraud simply because they did not work with an honest, reliable, reputable, and faithful attorney. Fortunately, today it is easy to know how reputable a law firm is, thanks to the internet and modern technology. Most law companies have websites and social media profiles where you can check what their previous clients say about the services they received from different firms. Additionally, you can get the best referrals from people close to you who have previously worked with reputable attorneys.

The Charges

Some of the things you should never forget when sourcing for personal injury law services are that different firms will have varying charges, and your financial capabilities are not similar to other people’s abilities. You must know where you range financially to ensure that you get the services you need for your personal injury case without breaking the bank. Creating a detailed budget is one of the best ways to understand where you range in your finances. You must have other critical things to spend money on, including settling your utility bills. Therefore, you must understand how much you have available to spend on a personal injury attorney.

How Professional Are Lawyers

Sometimes, it can be too soon to confirm how professional legal experts are. Nonetheless, there are some pointers you can embrace to ensure you work with a professional law firm. The first thing to check is the attorneys’ communication skills. Be keen on how the workers in the firm talk to you, address you, and how they relay information to you. There are some red flags to watch out for. Suppose you find that the lawyers in a particular company shout at you, use vulgar language and insults, and are not fast in responding to your messages. In that case, you need to consider looking for an alternative.

Hiring the best law firm to work with can be tricky because the number of such companies has skyrocketed. One factor that has led to such an incredible increase is the rise in personal injury cases, especially resulting from road accidents, falls and slips, assault, and medical malpractices. Nonetheless, you need to work with the best by considering the above factors to ensure you get the proper compensation.


When it comes to the area of ​​expertise of a criminal lawyer such as Law Offices of Alan J. Tauber, P.C. for example, most people tend to think of a popular jury full of people watching, just like in the big movies. The reality, however, can be quite different. Criminal law involves a broad area, which is related to several other specialties of law. That is why this professional needs to be prepared to understand the technical breadth of his demand and the different stages and consequences involved throughout a criminal process. Among the most common actions of a criminal lawyer, the following stand out:

Custody Hearing

The custody hearing is the kick-off of any criminal process that begins in a situation. You’ve probably heard that “everyone is innocent until proven guilty” or that there is no arrest without a final conviction. These are, in fact, constitutional guarantees. But there are exceptions.

Arrest in flagrante delicto is one of those exceptional situations. Suppose the public agent observes the person committing a crime. They arrest them in the act, even before an investigation or criminal process is initiated since the act was caught. Unfortunately, arrests in flagrante delicto do not comply with all legal requirements. In some of them, there are abuses, illegalities, and even strategies deliberately created to arrest a person unfairly.

The custody hearing is a right of this person arrested and must occur within 24 hours after his arrest to identify any irregularities. From this hearing, the judge will determine whether you will remain under the guardianship of the State or respond to the process in freedom. Therefore, it is essential to already have a specialized lawyer’s performance at the time of this hearing.

Crimes Against The Person And Liberty

The role of a criminal lawyer in crimes against the person and freedom is what people usually imagine when they think of these professionals. They are the attitudes carried out directly against other individuals, attacking their physical integrity or right to come and go entirely.

Crimes against the person and liberty range from threats and bodily harm to murder and kidnapping. Also part of this category are crimes against life, which are, depending on the classification, taken to the popular jury, which constitutes a whole world apart from the work of lawyers in the area.

Attempted and consummated homicide, infanticide (crimes judged by the jury),

  • abortion
  • bodily injury
  • domestic violence
  • abandonment
  • failure to help
  • brawl
  • threat
  • kidnapping
  • crimes against honor

Crimes against honor are associated with their three modalities: defamation, slander, and slander. These are crimes that show how communication is capable of causing enormous damage to people’s lives, having a criminal nature that is widely practiced in justice. It is important to note that the criminal logic of crimes against honor differs from the civil logic. In the civil sphere, the need for reparation of those who attacked someone’s honor for this victim is discussed. The individual penalty that this person will suffer for having committed the crime in question is discussed in the criminal sphere.

An experienced criminal lawyer’s office also usually handles domestic violence cases, popularly associated with the Maria da Penha law. In these scenarios, violence occurs within the domestic environment, dealing with the intimate scope of power relations. The defense’s service is, in this case, to avoid abuse during the process and the necessary support so that damages are minimized, preventing an accusation from affecting the course of a lifetime.


Delaying in creating a last will and testament could have serious consequences for you and your family. If something happens and you die without a last will, state intestacy laws will determine how your property is distributed. This may not be in accordance with your wishes.

Creating a last will gives you the opportunity to choose who will receive your property and act as the executor or personal representative of your estate. You can also appoint a guardian for your minor children in your last will.

What is a last will and testament?

A last will and testament is a legal document that allows you to control how your property and assets will be distributed after your death. You can use a last will to:

  • designate who will receive your property
  • name an executor or personal representative to manage your estate
  • appoint a guardian for your minor children

What to include in your last will and testament?

When you create your last will and testament in Southlake, you’ll need to designate a few key individuals to carry out your wishes. These include:

  • Executor or personal representative– This person will be responsible for managing your estate and ensuring that your last wishes are carried out. This could be a family member, friend, or professional.
  • Beneficiaries– These are the people or organizations that you want to receive your property. You’ll need to list each beneficiary and what they will be receiving.
  • Guardian– If you have minor children, you’ll need to appoint a guardian to care for them if something happens to you.

You’ll also need to decide how you want your property to be distributed. You can leave specific items to specific people, or you can leave your entire estate to one person.

Once you’ve determined who will receive your property and how it will be distributed, you’ll need to have your last will witnessed and signed. This can be done in the presence of a notary public or two adult witnesses who are not beneficiaries of your estate.

While you’re not required to have an attorney draft your last will, it’s often a good idea to seek legal counsel to ensure that your document is properly executed and meets all state requirements.

Finally, you’ll need to store your last will in a safe place where it can be easily found after your death. You should give copies of your last will to your executor, beneficiaries, and any other key individuals.

Can I write a will without a lawyer?

In most cases, yes. You can usually find will kits at office supply stores. These kits come with basic instructions and fill-in-the-blank forms that you can use to create your own will.

If you have a simple estate—meaning you don’t own much property and don’t have any unusual beneficiary requests—a do-it-yourself will kit may be a good option.

But, if you have a more complicated estate or beneficiaries with special needs, it’s probably best to consult with an attorney. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of estate planning and make sure your wishes are carried out according to your state’s laws.


Like other motorists, a motorcyclist needs proper legal representation after an accident. This is important as the different variables in the case can be confusing. It is crucial to look for and hire a reputable motorcycle accident attorney to handle the case. Working with the right lawyer can prove beneficial in many ways. The guide below highlights how a motorcyclist can benefit from hiring a skilled and reputable accident lawyer.

Better Evidence Collection

Like other motorists handling a case, you need to present evidence to make your motorcycle accident lawsuit viable. Hiring a reputable accident lawyer becomes beneficial as you collect the right evidence. You might struggle to gather, collect and present evidence to the court unless you have the skills. A reputable motorcycle accident lawyer knows what you can consider and use as evidence. They will guide you through the collection process or handle the work themselves when you cannot. Besides photos and eyewitness testimony, the lawyer works with panel beaters and medical professionals to gather the evidence you cannot think of.

Effective Court Representation

It is important to appear in court whenever called upon. However, it can be hard to go to court after your accident, especially with severe injuries. You should focus on your health and medical needs after an accident. Hiring a reputable accident lawyer, you avoid stress and inconveniences as you get effective court representation. It becomes easier to handle your motorcycle accident case with proper legal representation. The lawyer is available and provides feedback on the progress after every court session. Effective court representation can help you avoid making costly mistakes due to frustrations and confusion.

Knowledge and Proper Guidance

It is important to learn the variables around your case. By learning more, making informed decisions during case proceedings becomes easier. Hiring and working with a reputable lawyer in your motorcycle accident case becomes vital to learn and get proper guidance. The lawyer is a professional with the knowledge and skills needed to handle your case properly. You benefit from the legal practitioner’s knowledge and proper guidance as a motorcyclist. You can easily get answers to any questions and clear questions about the case. You also have a platform to gather as much information as possible for future reference.

Settlement Negotiation

In most cases, motorcycle accident lawsuits get solved through settlement negotiation. As a victim, you can decide to file a compensation claim and solve the case out of court. While this is vital, especially with pending medical needs, proper guidance is paramount. You can benefit from hiring an accident lawyer as they can handle the settlement negotiation process for you. After consultation and discussing your needs, the lawyer takes over the settlement negotiation process and ensures you get compensated properly. They help calculate the value of the damages and injuries sustained after the accidents and advocate on your behalf for better settlement amounts.

Handles Medical Needs

Besides collecting medical evidence to use in court, a motorcycle accident lawyer ensures you get quality and proper medical care. With the associated hefty medical treatment bills, it can be hard t handle your needs with a pending lawsuit. The lawyer you hire ensures proper medical care by recommending the best and most affordable medical services near you. They also work with doctors and healthcare providers to collect evidence and medical reports you can use to negotiate for a better compensation amount. The right lawyer helps you focus on your treatment needs as they handle the case for you.

With the many variables and needs in a motorcycle accident case, seeking proper legal guidance becomes vital. Hiring and working with a reputable motorcycle accident lawyer can prove beneficial in several ways. The above guide explains the relevance of the lawyer and why you need the best one in your case.

The US healthcare system has always been at risk from medical fraud activities. The force and intimidation have been against representatives of the medical community, including doctors, nannies, and laboratory staffers. The fraudsters have been strategic in their attempts to find out medical information, and they operate individually or collectively.

Many people today live with the consequences of medical fraud activities. Elderly persons and professionals have an exceptionally high risk of becoming victims.

The purpose of this article is to discuss why medical fraud lawyers are needed.

What Is Medical Fraud?

Health Care Fraud and Medical Fraud are synonymous concepts. False or misleading information submitted with the intent of deceiving someone.

An individual or healthcare provider may be liable for your medical expenses if you file a lawsuit, and you may be compensated for your damages.

1. Experience And Proven Results Are The Top Reasons To Hire A Medical Fraud Attorney

Fraudulent healthcare cases are typically the focus of medical fraud lawyers, in addition to familiarity with criminal statutes.

Hence, you should hire a Medical Fraud attorney whose background includes understanding the complexities of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement regulations.

2. An Experienced Medical Fraud Attorney Has Familiarity With Local Court Systems

The knowledge of the local court system is one of the greatest benefits of a Medical Fraud attorney.

In addition to knowing the right people in the legal system, a Medicare Fraud lawyer knows the judges, prosecutions, clerks of the court, and others who may be involved. His contacts are a powerful tool for influencing judges in his legal profession.

Despite this, a Medical Fraud attorney is more convenient and accessible to a non-local since he has special access to healthcare.

3. Medical Fraud Attorneys Are Dedicated To Helping You

Medical Fraud Lawyers never give up on their clients in the litigation process, regardless of any physical, financial, or emotional loss they have experienced.

A Medical Fraud attorney’s work background and past experiences are reviewed during the investigation. He is seeking a professional relationship with you to win the case.

4. Discretion And Diligence Are The Hallmarks Of A Medical Fraud Attorney

Ensure that all documents are filed properly and pleadings and motions are served on time by a Medical Fraud attorney to avoid dismissal and lose the litigation.

Business Litigation Attorneys Atlanta keeps your personal information confidential, and they are committed to maintaining the privacy of your case information.

5. They Are Good Negotiators When It Comes To Medical Fraud

A Medical Fraud attorney ensures that the process of litigation is cost-effective and efficient. Most people picture a courtroom confrontation as a competition between two wild parties.

He analyzes before he speaks and never dismisses the possibility of negotiating any settlement before he litigates. Medical Fraud attorneys study the case’s behavior before they speak. To put it differently, medical fraud attorneys communicate to settle cases. The best negotiation skills will ensure your success.

When people commit unlawful acts to obtain property, money, or something of value, it is considered a property crime. Property crime consists of several types of crimes that lead to different consequences depending on their severity. 

Being convicted of a crime has a massive impact on your future. You have to navigate through a complex legal procedure before you face punishment, and you have the right to seek legal counsel during this time. A criminal defence lawyer Vancouver understands your distress when you are in such a situation and ensures that you receive a fair judgment. 

Some types of property crimes. 

  • Burglary. 

When an individual enters premises illegally, also referred to as trespassing, intending to commit a crime inside it, it is considered a burglary. Every state’s laws differ, and you will face punishment based on them. In Vancouver, for a first-degree burglary charge, you may face life in prison along with a $50,000 fine. For a second-degree charge, you may face up to ten years in prison and a $20,000 fine. 

  • Theft. 

Individuals are charged with theft when they take someone else’s property without their consent and intend to deprive them of it permanently. Penalties depend on the worth of the stolen goods and may vary based on the unique situation of your case. You may face up to ten years of imprisonment if the stolen goods exceed $5000 in value and up to two years in prison if it is below $5000. 

  • Possession of stolen goods. 

Knowingly and willingly possessing goods illegally obtained through means such as robbery or theft is considered to be the possession of stolen goods. While you are not charged if you did not know that the property was stolen, the same laws applicable in theft will be applied if it was intentional. 

  • Robbery. 

If you have committed theft with the use or threat of violence, you may be facing a robbery charge. The additional use of a weapon or threat of it can lead to an aggravated robbery charge. In the event of a first offence, you may face five years in prison, and repeated violations result in seven years of imprisonment. Aggravated robbery charges may lead to life imprisonment. 

Enlisting the help of an experienced and skilled Vancouver lawyer is essential to ensure that you receive a fair judgment. They analyze your case to help guide you through the process and enable you to attain reduced charges. The presence of a lawyer helps you take the proper steps and protect your rights. 


Many of the people have been injured due to some person’s irresponsible actions and carelessness. To get justice and any compensation, people used to file a lawsuit against a person who is responsible for the injury or accident. Before filing the lawsuit, it is best to consult with the lawyer. A personal injury lawyer helps clients who have been severely injured by the negligence of another individual or business.

Each year many different types of personal injury claims are filed. A few of these claims include medical malpractice, workplace injuries, slips, and falls, and automobile accidents. One of the growing claims is that people are facing injuries caused by the business defective products. The purpose of bringing a personal injury claim is to obtain compensation for the injuries one has sustained. An amount of compensation is determined according to the extent of the injury and lost wages.


If you are looking for a lawyer, keep in mind that not every lawyer specializes in personal injury cases. Make sure to hire a injury attorney near me with such expertise. You should also hire a lawyer who specializes in the type of injury you suffered. You can be certain that the insurance companies will have an army of lawyers experienced in personal injury law and well versed in it. For that reason, you should hire an attorney who is equally knowledgeable and experienced.

It is important to find an attorney who has access to several medical experts so that your case can be strengthened. It will also be important for your lawyer to have experience with similar cases. The preparation for a personal injury case will take a lot of time. A lawyer can reduce your stress by helping with discovery, documenting witnesses’ statements, and filing motions when necessary.

Every lawyer specializes in a different kind of personal injury claim. An individual suing a physician will require a lawyer who specializes in the complex and extensive laws regarding medical malpractice. The same lawyer would not be required if you filed a claim against a company over a defective product.

When a person suffers from a brain injury or any other injury that prevents them from returning to work or requires lifelong medical care, they should always consult with a lawyer from a Law Firm of Springer & Steinberg, P.C. who has experience in such cases. To prove their case, these lawyers would need the assistance of medical experts and witnesses. If you hire an inexperienced injury attorney near me you will waste a lot of time and money in claiming a specific injury.

Injury caused by car accidents, slip and fall cases, construction accidents, and using defective products can be claimed with the help of attorneys. You should ask questions about the experience, area of specialization, fees, history of a similar case, before hiring a lawyer.

Personal injury lawyers are responsible for fighting insurance companies during litigation. It is your lawyer’s responsibility to guide you through the process. Your lawyer will provide you with all the legal expertise you need to win the lawsuit. Only a lawyer can ensure that you are treated fairly in court. To ease the burden of dealing with insurance companies and focus on healing from your injury, you need a good lawyer.